I needed to get myself back on track. I needed to get re-focused. I knew that what I needed to do was to start journaling. I needed to write down what I was eating, what I was feeling, what I was doing for my exercise routine, what my goals were.
When you keep a journal you cannot lie! If you lie, as you write in your journal you defeat the purpose. You need to be brutally honest. Why are you eating? Why did you stop exercising? What are you feeling? Are you really hungry or is something eating you?
The more that I write, the better I feel, the more weight I lose. Journaling for me is a win win situation. It stops me from over-eating. It helps me to make healthy food choices. It shows me where my problem areas are.
I write down what I eat, the amounts, the time, the place, my feelings… everything! You too can start losing! Start journaling! Believe and you can accomplish! Start your journey…weight-loss is just a choice away!