My Norma Y., The Diet Diva idea began in December 2010. I wanted to do something with my life after my retirement. I was able to retire at the young age of 45. I had always wanted to retire at 50, I beat it by 5 years. Now, I was retired and wanted to do something useful and helpful. I talked with God and asked God to guide me as to what I should do for the rest of my life. I knew that I did not want to teach again, nor continue being a school administrator.
As I thought and prayed about which road my life should take. It came to me that what I knew a lot about was dieting. During the past 37 years, I had dieted a lot. I tried every diet imaginable! I was on the Grapefruit diet, the Atkins, South Beach, Cabbage, Water, Health Management Resources [HMR] and Weight Watchers.
I also enjoy writing. I decided that I would contact the local newspaper the Sun City Independent. I made an appointment for the first week of the new year...2011. I pitched my idea that I wanted to write a column like Ann Landers or Dear Abby. My column would be titled, Dear Diet Diva. A few weeks later, I was told that my idea was accepted by the Publisher.
I started writing my column. It appeared in the Sun City, Sun City West and Peoria area. I loved it. After a while, I started writing motivational articles too. I then published my Norma Y., The Diet Diva Weight Loss Journal. I was interviewed and my story was published in the Arizona Health magazine. I did motivational speaking engagements.
Then, I became sick and had four operations in less than two years. I had to put everything aside and work on getting healthy. Soon, after that we were in a car accident. I ended up having to stop and rest.
My weight loss journey started at the young age of 14. I weighed 174 lbs. My school nurse put me on that diet. I reached 159 lbs. During the past 45 years, I have started and stopped and started again many, many diets. I am like the Phoenix...I rise again. I am tenacious! I am determined! Giving up has never been in my vocabulary.
I am now so close that I can taste it. I am starting my blog again. I have a new web page created by Yony (a software extraordinaire). I had him keep all of my old blogs since they are part of this journey. Soon, I will add my Dear Diet Diva column and my previous articles.
I can't wait for my transformational surgeries. They will be performed by Dr. Alexander P. Moya. My first one is scheduled for July 18, 2019 at 8 AM. In order to be ready for my surgery, I have just begun the Keto diet. I want to lose as much as I can in the next 85 days. I feel that this will help me, be in the best physical and mental shape.